sexta-feira, 20 de junho de 2014

Sys-ADL tool for Microsoft Visio

Some days ago I have finished a version of Sys-ADL tool for Visio.  I gave up the use of Microsoft Access and now all information about architecture elements are saved in XML files distributed in folders according to its namespace and id.  I already have a project in SourceForge for a tool for Sys-ADL and I`ll upload the code soon.  After this, the tool will be available under an open source license.

Sys-ADL site

Sys-ADL site, that describes several features of the language and explain some concepts is available in the URL  I'm checking some legal issues regarding language manual publishing but I already have a version ready to be published and I believe that it will be available for download soon.

quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2014

First message to "community"...

This blog was created to allow future Sys-ADL users to follow the latest news about development of Sys-ADL.